Sample of 30 icons with friendly and fun details in outline, filled, and brand color styles.


Product information


  • - full zip project
  • - mixed stem tracks in wav format
  • - live version for performance
  • - cd version master
  • - streaming services master
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定制专辑: 精品歌曲:300元/首 粗混歌曲:200元/首 过场衔接(连贯设计):50元/首 过场衔接(复杂设计):100元/首 这个定制专辑方案可以根据您的具体需求进行调整,包括歌曲类型、数量和设计复杂度。如果您有任何特殊要求或预算限制,请告诉我,我将为您量身定制符合您需求的方案。 5首歌以上享优惠: 原价 * ( 1 - 首歌 * 0.03 ) 每添加一首歌可以折扣x首歌的比 ------ 方案1: 精品 2首、粗混2首、过场1首 = 5首歌,总价1050 : 1050 * ( 1 - 5 * 0.03 ) = 892.5元 ------ 方案2: 精品1首、粗混4首、过场1首 = 6首歌,总价1150: 1150 * (1 - 6 * 0.03) = 943元


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these icons in their original or modified state. Read full license

Frequently Asked Questions

What format are these icons?

The icons are in SVG (Scalable Vector Graphic) format. They can be imported into your design tool of choice and used directly in code.

Can I use the icons at different sizes?

Yes. The icons are drawn on a 24 x 24 pixel grid, but the icons can be scaled to different sizes as needed. We don't recommend going smaller than 20 x 20 or larger than 64 x 64 to retain legibility and visual balance.